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Surround sound tutorial is up!

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Monday, November 26, 2018, In : Tutorials and tips 
Hey all!

Quick notice - the tutorial is up and here it is:

GOD is so cool!!!

I'm super excited about sharing this tutorial with you guys! I've learned a lot from it and I encourage you guys to check out the post for this one for more info over at the main Panther Dynamics website!

Also, please give this proposal an upvote so Blender can get LFE support!

Have a great one and GOD bless you!

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About Me

Marius Oberholster Hey all! I've been doing CG work full-time since 2011. GOD has been with me, supported me and taught me all the way. HE tells us to do all things as unto the LORD and that is my goal. I do whatever I believe the HOLY SPIRIT is leading me to do and it's not always easy, but it's always worth it to be obedient! JESUS is awesome!! If you don't know HIM yet, follow the link above!

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