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Showing Tag: " fire" (Show all posts)

Magicians take action

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Thursday, August 3, 2017, In : WIP 
Hey all!
This week's vlog!

GOD is beyond words!!! Just wow!!

 - Technical is not the word
   I already spoke on this in the video, but briefly, so I can elaborate here. Last week I had two re-renders. The one was for the flickering chairs behind Moses and Aaron and the other was the scene where the magicians appear in a cloud of smoke. While these are amazing shots, the magicians one needed a little something more. It was a bit lack luster. While the luster is restored using this transitional eff...

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Throne room

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Thursday, November 17, 2016, In : WIP 
Hey all!

This week's vlog!

GOD is so super awesome!!!! :D

- Pillars
GOD's idea! I totally missed saying that in the video, but it is so needed, because I actually felt over the weekend that I was going to have to model new pillars from scratch, because the court's ones were just way too short. In HIS usual calm demeanor HE just let me know that I can stretch out the pillars, no big deal. And it worked amazingly well! I am so thankful! HE helped me fix the alignment as well as the stumped point, s...

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Caustics and fire

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Thursday, September 29, 2016, In : WIP 
Hey all!

Time for another vlog! Without any delay:

GOD is beyond amazing!!!

In this week's blog post, we'll be taking a small peak into how these things work. A lot of work goes into these videos every week and I am so privileged to be able to make them and teach you guys. I consider it an honor!

 - Fire

   When it comes to fire, it seems that few things are as frustrating to get right in 3D and make it look like it was drawn. One thing in particular that makes it so hard is it's reflective and br...
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About Me

Marius Oberholster Hey all! I've been doing CG work full-time since 2011. GOD has been with me, supported me and taught me all the way. HE tells us to do all things as unto the LORD and that is my goal. I do whatever I believe the HOLY SPIRIT is leading me to do and it's not always easy, but it's always worth it to be obedient! JESUS is awesome!! If you don't know HIM yet, follow the link above!

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