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Foley it up

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Thursday, September 7, 2017, In : WIP 
Hey all!
This week's vlog!

GOD is so awesome!!!

  - Bokeh blur
    This was an interesting addition to the new defocus node I was not expecting! I saw a render in the banner on BlenderNation and really felt led to add the Bokeh effect to it. You can check out the render I am talking about here.

   I talk more about the differences between the two in the video, but the main differences between the two is the way it blurs. The blur node is a very soft, very even blur, while the bokeh and other blurs...

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Animation and sound effects

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Thursday, March 10, 2016, In : WIP 
Hey all!

Today's update takes a bit of a different route. I'm actually gonna let you watch everything I've been graced to put together so far - not fullHD, as that takes significantly longer and this took long enough to upload last night so I can actually share it, hahaha.

So, here is everything put together so far:

(Only 01:08, so it's a quick watch)

Now let's get into what went into this, hahaha.

Animation challenges and tips:
- Make sure your models are complete before rendering.
Sounds kinda duh...
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Render times and progress

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Thursday, January 28, 2016, In : General 
Hey all!

Super excited to be sharing with you guys the progress from the last week. Passed few days have not been the most productive, but ironically, the focus was in a different direction this week, but you'll see on that later.

 - Verse Image -
First, I felt lead to make use of the project and it's assets to create this week's verse image and I really liked the result. Because my hosting is not that big, I'm trying to limit the content I post, so I'm simply linking to the Cross Allegiance pa...
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Update time

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Wednesday, January 20, 2016, In : General 
Hey all!

As you've noticed, I've been a bit quiet. It's not because I haven't been working, but because GOD suggested that I update less. I was really frustrated because of the time it takes to write these so often - I like keeping you guys up to date, just not every 5mins, hahaha. If I do, the project takes significantly longer than it needs to, so, here is the first gapped update :)!

Okay, let's start with the coolest things GOD showed me that make this project even possible:

1) Particles:
As y...
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Compositing in order WIP

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Tuesday, January 12, 2016, In : WIP 
Good day everyone!

Today is nothing super fancy. I just get to share an update on Mordecai and Haman going through the city street. In this case, I stuck pillars in, so there would be something casting shadows on them too (you can see it on Mordecai's shoulder). The goal is to go for unusual contrast and a painterly look. I like the result though.

Still a long way to go

For more info on this particular method of compositing smooth shadows with toon shading, check out my tutorial for Blender Rend...

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About Me

Marius Oberholster Hey all! I've been doing CG work full-time since 2011. GOD has been with me, supported me and taught me all the way. HE tells us to do all things as unto the LORD and that is my goal. I do whatever I believe the HOLY SPIRIT is leading me to do and it's not always easy, but it's always worth it to be obedient! JESUS is awesome!! If you don't know HIM yet, follow the link above!

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