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Normal editing

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Thursday, December 8, 2016, In : WIP 
Hey all!

This week's vlog!

GOD is soooo good!!

 - Normal editing
Now, this is a bit of a topic for me that I really try to avoid, as it's editing is really not as straight forward as I would like it to be, but it certainly not a bad thing. It really enables you to create stylistic inaccuracy while still being well able to move lights and all sorts of other scene objects and still get the right look. In regards to trees, I've wanted that painted and layered look for a while and this is, I believe,...

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About Me

Marius Oberholster Hey all! I've been doing CG work full-time since 2011. GOD has been with me, supported me and taught me all the way. HE tells us to do all things as unto the LORD and that is my goal. I do whatever I believe the HOLY SPIRIT is leading me to do and it's not always easy, but it's always worth it to be obedient! JESUS is awesome!! If you don't know HIM yet, follow the link above!

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