King James Version (KJV)


New videos announcement!

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Saturday, September 3, 2016 Under: WIP
Hey all!

Now, I want to clarify the title before going any further. Two videos - a tutorial and a vlog.

- The Vlog:
As you all know, a vlog is simply a video blog, where you document something pertaining to the way you do life or whatever. For me, it will be a much easier way of communicating progress to you guys on upcoming videos, so they will appear here on this blog as well as on the YouTube channel, so if you want to be the first to get the vlogs, hit that subscribe button on YouTube! :D
You'll also receive other new content such as music videos, tests and tutorials!

Here is the vlog and I'll expand on it a bit after:

GOD is so awesome!! What I write here is not in the vlog, so it's worth reading! :D

   I've had a growing sense that GOD wanted me to kick off another one of these animations, but I was torn between one of three videos, one of which is not consistent with a typical Biblical timeline.
The first was to do one from the book of John or to do the whole book of John in one go (yeah, wow! haha). The second was to do a total gospels video, that covered all the Gospels in one consistent timeline, but that is a task that needs to be sorta done for any of the gospels' videos to be fully accurate (various details being recorded in each), but it won't fit the split pages and the dialogue recollections differ slightly, so a lot will get lost if it were put into one video.
And of course, the Exodus (specifically the 10 plagues).
   The last one came after the feeling to make a video from the gospel of John, but nr1 lasted and nr2 overwhelmed it. So research commenced and 1 almost done screenplay later and 1 character, we are out of the gates! hahaha. I was extremely hesitant about this one, because it has been done so many times, but each one is different and each approach is different, so I know GOD has a special space for this one too! :D

I really need you guys to pray for me and my family, and I mean seriously. The enemy has been attacking relentlessly for a very long time, especially since doing these videos, so we seriously need your prayers over these projects, over us as a family and for our prosperity, because that is where the Devil is especially trying to knock us down. Pray pray pray pray pray pray!

- New tutorial:
On the previous blog post about the speed mesh method, you are guaranteed to run into issues. So, GOD gave me the full method a short while ago and it has been a tremendous blessing to many people and I want it to be to you too, so here is the speed mesh tutorial:

GOD is so good!!

This method is time intensive to apply, but the video is very short. It is definitely something worthy of note and can make a massive massive difference to some of your more action packed animations. I know this meets a need in your life! :D

Do you know JESUS yet?
To find out more, you can check out this link.
It gives you access to free Bible translations, free teaching videos and more. Remember, this is a decision with eternal consequence, choose life, choose JESUS. :D

Have a great one!!!

Thank YOU!!!!!!

In : WIP 

Tags: god  jesus  holy spirit  blender  bible  animations  exodus  vlog  plagues  moses  tutorial  speed mesh 

About Me

Marius Oberholster Hey all! I've been doing CG work full-time since 2011. GOD has been with me, supported me and taught me all the way. HE tells us to do all things as unto the LORD and that is my goal. I do whatever I believe the HOLY SPIRIT is leading me to do and it's not always easy, but it's always worth it to be obedient! JESUS is awesome!! If you don't know HIM yet, follow the link above!

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