King James Version (KJV)


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Slow and somewhat steady

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Monday, December 30, 2019, In : General 
Hey all!

I'm still on pharaoh's room and while most of it is organized and set to receive some frogs, including Pharaoh, I am still at a bit of a loss as to what to do with the open area left. You could say his room is "half full" hehehe.

So, on that note, let's focus on something that is finished and that is Pharaoh's hand mirror. Now, they didn't have mirrors like we do today and I did some extra digging:

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How was V.I in converting stereo

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Friday, November 2, 2018, In : General 
Hey all!

Years ago, we had an LG sound system. 5.1 to be precise. What baffled me is that it only had a stereo input, yet when that thing gave out it's 5.1, whoah! It sounded so beautiful and full. I luvd the sound that came from that system, until...

Yes, until thunder struck it and that was the end of the awesome sound it produced... hahahaha. I remember putting on some music DVD's I had with a 5.1 mix and sitting square center in the living room floor to just take it in! It was so phenomenal...

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Esther 6 finished!!!

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Thursday, April 14, 2016, In : General 
Hey all!

A lot went into making this video and I am so thankful I was commanded to make it.

When GOD first told me HE wanted me to make this, I was really, strongly, resistant to the idea. If you've known GOD for some time, you will know that the message doesn't change. HE wanted me to do it and I submitted and oh am I glad I did! This was around the end of November of last year.

Production felt like it took forever, but all the things HE's taught me and allowed me to share with you guys, has be...
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Gardens galore

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Thursday, February 4, 2016, In : General 
Hey all!

Today's progress update is rife with huge updates and a few more speed up tips and some general tips as well! :D

To start off, I would like to talk about the additional speed up tips GOD gave me through this week. I cannot even begin to express my gratitude!! I definitely think that a single frame would have taken 12 to 20 minutes to complete, had HE not teach me all these tricks!!

 - ZTransparency
Yesterday, GOD had me do a post on how to fix the edge problem with ZTransparency. I'm not...
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Render times and progress

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Thursday, January 28, 2016, In : General 
Hey all!

Super excited to be sharing with you guys the progress from the last week. Passed few days have not been the most productive, but ironically, the focus was in a different direction this week, but you'll see on that later.

 - Verse Image -
First, I felt lead to make use of the project and it's assets to create this week's verse image and I really liked the result. Because my hosting is not that big, I'm trying to limit the content I post, so I'm simply linking to the Cross Allegiance pa...
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Update time

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Wednesday, January 20, 2016, In : General 
Hey all!

As you've noticed, I've been a bit quiet. It's not because I haven't been working, but because GOD suggested that I update less. I was really frustrated because of the time it takes to write these so often - I like keeping you guys up to date, just not every 5mins, hahaha. If I do, the project takes significantly longer than it needs to, so, here is the first gapped update :)!

Okay, let's start with the coolest things GOD showed me that make this project even possible:

1) Particles:
As y...
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Turn that table

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Saturday, January 9, 2016, In : General 
Hey all!

Initially, I had the horse rotating on a platform, but because of issues with the one front leg on the ground, I just attached everything else to the platform he's on and now everything is rotating except the horse, but you wouldn't know it, unless I told you, which I now did, hahaha.

Anyway, this is how the horse looks when rendered using the viewport in Blender:

This animation, as if you didn't notice, is called a turntable. Mostly these are used to show off a model. Think of it as ...

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Haman progress

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Thursday, December 31, 2015, In : General 
Hey all!

On the last day of 2015, I would like to share the progress on one of the characters for Esther 6; Haman! While he is an evil character, I wanted him to be able to look very trustworthy and at the same time quite shifty, because of his ambition.
Trustworthy because the king trusted his advice and shifty, because his ego was the cause of his downfall through all his schemes against Mordecai.

So, here are some of the progress shots for Haman the Agagite:

Before shape changes

Face modificati...

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About Me

Marius Oberholster Hey all! I've been doing CG work full-time since 2011. GOD has been with me, supported me and taught me all the way. HE tells us to do all things as unto the LORD and that is my goal. I do whatever I believe the HOLY SPIRIT is leading me to do and it's not always easy, but it's always worth it to be obedient! JESUS is awesome!! If you don't know HIM yet, follow the link above!

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