King James Version (KJV)


3 - Holaaa at the next model

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Tuesday, September 21, 2021 Under: News
Hey all!

What next model? Well, I'd love to tell you, but I just can't. It's too early in the post, hehe.

Okay, you win! lol.

I recently joined CGTrader and started loading models from the short films - and some related new ones! They take some work to convert from Blender Render, but oh my-my-my-my-my are they pretty when they land!!! You can check them out here!

Each one links to the model's page on CGTrader, for example.

So, when I post a model, I usually proceed to the next one, but felt like my sharing strategy needed some work, so with the last share I did was with a tip. In the spirit of sharing some insight with you, I started writing about targeting for organic growth and that started here. Followed up here and is now gonna finish in this post:


Onto Content!

Content establishes your credibility - do you know your product and your niche. Use 80% of your content to give your customer base some kind of value. Let me give you some examples from VO stuff:
 - Marc Cashman has daily tips for how to deal with copy, recording as well as clients.
 - Joshua Alexander has a blog where he talks about the real stuff all VO's go through - particularly as it relates to clients and family and juggling the two.
 - Jeffrey N Baker talks about the personal side of VO - more the inner struggles.
 - Jon Gardner talks about his experiences with people in VO and family and that's a fun one to read!

There's a lot you can share with your audience that helps them, but does not make you obsolete because you posted it. Find something that you can share that will really help people and do that on a regular basis.

For me, I'm very much a story teller, so I'd be more likely to post film making tips for example, because I target that kind of audience for VO as well as 3D models, animation, etc.

Remember, start with 80-20 and adjust as you go - yes, it will take time, effort and commitment, but if you struggle real hard for 3,700 years, you will get it right! LOL. It's not so bad! Just do your best! This isn't even an exact science and a little can go a long way!

There are lots of things that can help you make your content faster. Canva is really popular and there are many sites that have templates that you can chop n change.


BE CAREFUL! If someone is not relevant to the post or does not need to see it, DO NOT tag them! It's just another form of spamming.

Let me give you a good example of where it's fine.
I love Jo Black's music and what he does with the whole BTG movement along with his brother. GREAT stuff! So, whenever he puts out new stuff, I try to share it. So, if I share his stuff, I tag him to make it easier for my followers to find him - he (or whoever handles his social) just happens to get to see it as well.

See the motive? I'm not tagging him for a "look at me!", but for a "Go check him out!" - VERY big difference, but the same action.

Not the only case where tagging is fitting, but seriously, consider who you tag and why. I am honestly a little over-cautious when it comes to tagging, which is why I rarely do it, outside of the above like situations.
Tag with care!

Groups and Platforms!

They really go together, because it's so tempting to spam. Groups are exactly that, groups. You join because you have something to add to the community. So what will it be? Spam and eggs or genuine relationships? LOL. Seriously! When you join a platform, be organic. It's the only way to guarantee loyal fans that stick with you when people try to cancel you, which may happen at some point.

Platforms are a little different, but kinda has the same idea. SoundCloud is based around music or interesting audio. Facebook is around friendships and engagement. Instagram is pictures and video. LinkedIn is about networking. They are purpose driven. It'd be extremely ill-fitted to push my animation skills on sound cloud, because it's not where the people who'll make use of that skill hang out, or look for that skill even. No, that would be LinkedIn, Youtube and Instagram for the most part. FB too, but it's very general - I'd have to join a bunch of groups and follow specific pages to narrow the scope.

Be organic and engage deliberately - no spamming! STOP IT! NO! lol.

There's a lot more that we can talk about that will boost your online presence - such as specific strategies for engagement in your specific niche, times to post, etc, but wow, this is a field of study on it's own! I felt like expounding in this, so you guys are better equipped to identify and talk to your target market.

Like I said earlier - all of this can be very overwhelming, but if you sit down and make a list of what to do and when and organize yourself, it's really not that hard. It just takes discipline and setting reminders for yourself! Easier said than done, yes, but I know you can!


I'd love to do music videos for local artists! How many of them have animated videos? Like seriously. How many? I only know of a few indie artists that do. I'd like to have something to pitch, tbh, before contacting them. I know it's risky, because there's a lot of work that goes into that, but honestly, if the LORD gives me something, then how can I just sit there with my mouth shut... I have to at least try pitching the original concept... I think, from a business perspective, the best way to pitch them would be to have a general PDF or something that has the needed info for them to bring their own concept in and do so on budget, if they're interested. Who am I kidding?! Of course they're interested!! :D

So, there are a few artists I wanna approach, but honestly, I think the budget is generally the scary part to anyone I approach, lol... Animation, especially 3D animation, is the most expensive type, but think of the logic here - I'm local too, why in the world, would I expect them to pay R500,000 or more for a music video, especially with Covid and the damage already done! And they'd still need to get it rated for distribution! It's ridiculous to expect that! I'm a fan, not an extortioner, lol.

HOWEVER, every project does come with it's own unique price tag. If you want a video worth R500,000 in labor alone, I cannot do it for R5,000, LOL. It's like me asking someone to paint my roof for R10 (under US$1) and they have to bring their own paint and rollers - yeah, not gonna happen, haha. For some reason a lot of people expect artists to work for free... "You're an artist?! My goodness, you look so healthy?! Shouldn't you be starving to be the real thing?" hehe.

But I digress, lol.

You can check out the models here and all the other channels:

Thank you for reading this far! I hope the social media insights have boosted your confidence that you can do something about your engagement and reach out in a meaningful way!

Have a great one!!
GOD bless you! (^^,)

In : News 

Tags: god  jesus  holy spirit  learn  socialmediamarketing  targetmarket  audience  targetaudience  3d  3dmodel  blendswap  animation  voiceover  vo  voiceoverartists 

About Me

Marius Oberholster Hey all! I've been doing CG work full-time since 2011. GOD has been with me, supported me and taught me all the way. HE tells us to do all things as unto the LORD and that is my goal. I do whatever I believe the HOLY SPIRIT is leading me to do and it's not always easy, but it's always worth it to be obedient! JESUS is awesome!! If you don't know HIM yet, follow the link above!

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